Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Goddess of Freedom

Broken ©Taylor Barnes

Personal work is always so interesting. You never know what may emerge from the inner depths of your mind. Recently I took a friend up on the idea of participating in a guided meditation for 21 days. I was certain I would never follow through and if I did I would find it impossible to sit still.

To my surprise I have become addicted to the stillness. The imagery that I see during these moments has been rather self-revelatory. The idea of floating has been dominating my inner thoughts. Floating has so many correlations emotionally that I can't even begin to define what this means to me. So rather than write about it I have decided to do some illustrations around the concept of floating and weightlessness.

This one is about breaking free of the constraints of the material world. Hope and gratitude are also present on the journey. I call her a goddess because she is demonstrating my higher self in it's finer moments.


  1. TAYLOR HI IT"S ME ELISA!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you???? We miss you so much at XRDS!!!!

    1. Elisa - I miss you too! We should have a blogging alumni lunch :) Post some work, let me see what you are up to!

  2. I love the picture and am developing a website for women in transition from prison to the working world. We are preparing them by helping them to break the chains of bondage in several areas of their lives. Will you give me permission to use your illustration?

  3. Hello Taylor, I love this picture. I am developing a program/website that will help people coming out of jail and prison, my I please use this picture. Our program will help people brake the chains of bondage in every area of their lives, please give me permission to use this illistration on my twiiter page/website/ and facebook I will give you credit for picture where ever I use it.
